I tell you one thing, Mister president ...You people trod around the world in huge meetings trying to convince ...so
to organize your plans of hatred ...However there are rules and regulations ( mandatory to all humans beings by divine will
) that are left unanswered and uncared by you President .These lacks of obedience towards the Divine Plan for Everlasting
Peace on Planet Earth will bring forth drastic situations inwhere your own kind will get a burning cut of mighty importance
...So when you plot vileny to separate man and woman during the legitimate course of their nuptial road ...Be aware that ...By
Divine Powers...This nuptial road will counterattack...Destroy to none your evil strategies ...Mash down your Ugly Ugly Jericho
walls ...AND WIN THE BATTLE ...As Fidelity fighting against Adultery and its schemes ...
Chant Charismatique A Capella d'Aïka et Aïko (Marie et Jean-Claude)